Posts Tagged ‘Blender


the shape of things to come?

I seem to think that if I write more often that not only will some of my current problems go away, but that new opportunities will sprout up; hence this blog, some IF and possibly even some game reviews are on the cards.

Unfortunately in the past week, I’ve done absolutely nothing towards reaching my goal.

Fiddlesticks. Not a great start I know, and what’s worse is I didn’t fill the time doing anything remotely productive. I think that when I give myself a lot of things I want to do, that I end up not being able to start any of them. The same is true for when I have a few days off work and I decide to play through a game or two I’ve not played in a while: I end up doing everything but that.

I’ve got a clear weekend, so perhaps something may come of it. Once I’ve cleared this first hurdle, you won’t be able to stop me, right? …Right?

On a side note: I’ve discovered Blender. I miss 3D modelling, so that’s another task for the list.


  1. Peter F. Hamilton
    1. Pandora's Star
  2. Brett Easton Ellis
    1. American Psycho
  3. Greg Bear
    1. Eon
  4. Kurt Vonnegut
    1. Slaughterhouse 5
  5. Max Brooks
    1. World War Z
  6. William Golding
    1. Lord of the Flies
  7. Philip K. Dick
    1. The Man in the High Castle
    2. The Father-Thing
    3. Beyond Lies The Wub
  8. Iain M. Banks
    1. Look to Windward
    2. The Algebraist
  9. Stanislaw Lem
    1. Memoirs Found in a Bathtub