Posts Tagged ‘Half-Life 2


escape from city 17

This is awesome! It’s a short fan-made film following some resistance fighters as they escape from City 17; the setting for Half-Life 2. If you’ve played the game you’ll see how well they’ve managed to capture the oppressive feeling of the place and the actual visual style is bang-on, something Hollywood would never be able to match. If you haven’t played the game, it should easily stand up on its own merit.

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  1. Peter F. Hamilton
    1. Pandora's Star
  2. Brett Easton Ellis
    1. American Psycho
  3. Greg Bear
    1. Eon
  4. Kurt Vonnegut
    1. Slaughterhouse 5
  5. Max Brooks
    1. World War Z
  6. William Golding
    1. Lord of the Flies
  7. Philip K. Dick
    1. The Man in the High Castle
    2. The Father-Thing
    3. Beyond Lies The Wub
  8. Iain M. Banks
    1. Look to Windward
    2. The Algebraist
  9. Stanislaw Lem
    1. Memoirs Found in a Bathtub