Posts Tagged ‘Concept Art


the battle of yonkers

Concept art for 'World War Z'

Concept art for 'World War Z' by Daniel LuVisi

It may come as no surprise that I enjoy my zombie-related media; books, games, movies and even board games; the book World War Z is no exception!  The fantastic artwork above got its creator a job working on the film adaptation and is making the rounds on the internet at the moment, seems the image was first discovered on io9 but soon snapped up by Worst Previews and SlashFilm among others.

More after the cut.

Continue reading ‘the battle of yonkers’


  1. Peter F. Hamilton
    1. Pandora's Star
  2. Brett Easton Ellis
    1. American Psycho
  3. Greg Bear
    1. Eon
  4. Kurt Vonnegut
    1. Slaughterhouse 5
  5. Max Brooks
    1. World War Z
  6. William Golding
    1. Lord of the Flies
  7. Philip K. Dick
    1. The Man in the High Castle
    2. The Father-Thing
    3. Beyond Lies The Wub
  8. Iain M. Banks
    1. Look to Windward
    2. The Algebraist
  9. Stanislaw Lem
    1. Memoirs Found in a Bathtub